Fight harmful school fallacies with facts.

We've got the scoop, reliable data, and insights to help protect Michigan schools from the disruption of coordinated attacks.


Many stories fill Michigan schools, but we're closing the book on disinformation. We exist to help public school communities everywhere break down the fallacies that are compromising our districts. Use our fallacy alerts to gain context, poke holes in propaganda, and speak up for your schools. We keep honesty and integrity at the top of the class to preserve resources for Michigan's real education priorities.

Michigan by the numbers


Public schools serving our students


Student experiences to protect


Think tanks and groups against MI ed

Meet the fallacy farms

Coordinating for school privatization

Billionaires and hyperpartisan think tanks have been working for decades to move America toward a privatized education system. They desire unconstitutional voucher schemes that lead to discrimination, promote dismal outcomes, and defund our public schools.

Over a dozen of these groups exist in Michigan alone. Within the past few years, their tactics have intentionally converted school board meetings into circus acts and students into pawns. We must continue exposing these intentions, reinforcing the repercussions, and diligently standing up for properly funded Michigan schools.


Flag a fallacy

We monitor evolving attacks to help you spot logical lapses and add critical perspective with facts. Are you facing an issue we haven't addressed? Drop us a line so we can get to work!


Join the school scoop squad

Michigan has 539 public school districts that mostly endure the same nationally coordinated fallacies. Despite the beliefs of think tanks, astroturf groups, and politicians, over 90% of students depend on the state's investment in public education. Raise a hand to listen for lies, compile resources, and support targeted districts.

MI School Scoop

Manufactured crises and disingenuous attacks steal resources from students and school staff. The privatization playbook has run its course, and we're taking our precious time back. Public education will win in Michigan.

Latest Issues

06 Oct, 2024
Michigan's school board elections are the new battleground for groups looking to "rebuild America." During election season, it's becoming easier to spot coordinated campaign promises from genuine desires to serve all students.
06 Oct, 2024
Federal Title IX updates are prompting misinformation over the implications for Michigan schools. Here, we address 21 common questions about the 2024 changes.
Mi School Scoop Title IX
21 Sep, 2024
Title IX concerns from Moms for Liberty are rooted in a worry that changes would stifle the First Amendment right to bully others to such a pervasive and severe degree that it would limit another's access or participation in school programs and activities.
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